October 18 Week 5: Christ the Healer Series
Week 5 Healing in Salvation
Salvation as used in the New Testament is derived from the greek: σωτηρία – soteria (pronounced so-tay-ree’-ah)
means to provide rescue or safety, deliver, health, salvation, save, saving; welfare, prosperity, deliverance, preservation.
All of these dimensions are contained within the kind of salvation that Christ provided, freely through the final, eternal sacrifice, of himself, once and for all (Hebrews 7:27 & 10:10).
Divine Health is a major part of the inheritance that is available, but rarely accessed, by Christians; mainly to a lack of knowledge of what is contained in the promise.
To Download this important, Spirit-filled series of teaching follow this link: 2015-06 Christ the Healer
The Audio and Video Files will be updated each week ASAP after the service.
Sadly there is no Video File available for this week’s service (Cameras were left at home).