Living In Christ – Intimate relationship
We started a brand new series this week:
One of the fundamental truths that we, as Christians, need to remember, is that it is our relationship with God as ABBA, as Daddy, rather than the distant domineering figure of a vengeful authoritarian, is one of the principle messages from Jesus’ personal earthly ministry that we must return to on a regular basis. If nothing else, this core teaching that God, the creator of the universe, desires intimate fellowship and relationship with us, should shine considerable light upon the completely skewed, if not outright misinterpreted construct of the God of the Old Testament. God, the Father has been maligned, slandered and downright defamed by those trusted, by the faithful to bring his message to them.
Jesus was very clear that we should approach God in a child-like, not a childish manner. Our approach should bear all of the intimacy of a child who has the freedom to walk right up to Daddy, sit on his lap and snuggle in, for no other reason than to be there. Yet, at the same time, being reminded of the majesty and wonder of All that GOD truly is. It is this intimacy with God, that had him produce humanity in the first instance. It is possible to have a high level of familiarity and a high level of respect at the same time; such is the marriage relationship, by design. That is why Paul relates the relationship between a married couple
to the relationship between Christ and the Church in Ephesians 5:22-30. It is wonderful to have a head knowledge all about God. But, the heart knowledge, through intimate relationship, conversation and true fellowship with God is where we get to know WHO God is and it is also where he can show us who WE ARE, IN HIM.
Getting to know God intimately is the establishing of His Kingdom IN you and that is the way His Kingdom Comes to Earth. Matthew 6:33 is but one statement, out of the 3 chapter sermon on the Mount in chapters 5, 6 and 7. But, it is the crux of the message.
If we seek, pursue, actively look to discover first of all, principally, placing everything else as secondary and giving full priority to The Kingdom of God; the guiding principles, rules and methodologies by which God himself makes decisions, processes, thoughts, and ideas and decides a plan of action, AND His Righteousness, that standing that only a fully equipped and enabled person in Adult relationship, that essence of Being that carries rights and responsibilities such as an adult Son might have. That knowledge that equips one with an unwavering dignity that is not subject to behaviour; but, rather, is so integral that any move that is in opposition to that relationship has a visceral response. Jesus says that surrendering to God to this degree; to the point where we acknowledge that He is God and that he is also LORD (bread provider) and realising that he who has promised is faithful to fulfil ALL that he has promised. In that submission, we will lack no good thing; Psalm 23:1 “I shall NOT Want!”.
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