

2016 is a brand new opportunity. A fresh start.

This will be a year of Consolidation, Transformation and Growth as we build on the foundations and the strengths of the past.

Here at Open Arms we wish you and your families a very Happy and a very Prosperous New Year. May the Lord continue his work in us, to change us, more and more, into his image, in this world; as we grow up In Him, into the Unity of the Faith. As we grow up, as dear children seeking a deeper relationship with the one who gave his life to provide us all with his Grace.

I look forward to seeing just what God will do, this year, as we continue our weekly Healing meetings. We will be announcing a change to the time of our Sunday services mid January; so keep on the lookout for that announcement. This website will be undergoing a transformation in the near future and I hope you will return often to the blessings that the Lord provides.

But, for now, enjoy the start of this brand New Year and we’ll see you soon.

With much Love

Pastor Graham